Human trafficking survivor: I was raped 43,200 times


Karla Jacinto is sitting in a serene garden. She looks at the ordinary sights of flowers and can hear people beyond the garden walls, walking and talking in Mexico City.

She looks straight into my eyes, her voice cracking slightly, as she tells me the number she wants me to remember — 43,200.

By her own estimate, 43,200 is the number of times she was raped after falling into the hands of human traffickers.

She says up to 30 johns a day, seven days a week, for the best part of four years — 43,200.

Her story highlights the brutal realities of human trafficking in Mexico and the United States, an underworld that has destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of Mexican girls like Karla.

Human trafficking has become a trade so lucrative and prevalent, that it knows no borders and links towns in central Mexico with cities like Atlanta and New York.

U.S. and Mexican officials both point to a town in central Mexico that for years has been a major source of human trafficking rings and a place where victims are taken before being eventually forced into prostitution. The town is called Tenancingo.

 Tenancingo, Mexico: A breeding ground for traffickers 04:47

Even though it has a population of about 13,000, Susan Coppedge, the U.S. State Department’s Ambassador at Large to Combat Human trafficking, says it has an oversized reputation when it comes to prostitution and pimping.

MORE: How you can help end sex trafficking

«That’s what the town does. That is their industry,» Coppedge says. «And yet in smaller, rural communities the young girls don’t have any idea that this is what the town’s reputation is, so they are not suspicious of the men who come from there. They think they have got a great future with this person. They think they love and it is the same story of recruitment every time.»

Mistreated from the age of 5

Karla says she was abused for as long as she can remember and felt rejected by her mother. «I came from a dysfunctional family. I was sexually abused and mistreated from the age of 5 by a relative,’ she says.

When she was 12 she was targeted by a trafficker who lured her away using kind words and a fast car.

She says she was waiting for some friends near a subway station in Mexico City, when a little boy selling sweets came up to her, telling her somebody was sending her a piece of candy as a gift.

Five minutes later, Karla says, an older man was talking to her, telling her that he was a used car salesman.

The initial awkwardness disappeared as soon as the man started telling her that he was also abused as a boy. He was also very affectionate and quite a gentleman, she says.

They exchanged phone numbers and when he called a week later, Karla says she got excited. He asked her to go on a trip to nearby Puebla with him and dazzled her by showing up driving a bright red Firebird Trans Am.

«When I saw the car I couldn’t believe it. I was very impressed by such a big car. It was exciting for me. He asked me to get in the car to go places,» she says.

‘Red flags’ were everywhere

It didn’t take long for the man, who at 22 was 10 years older than Karla, to convince her to leave with him, especially after Karla’s mother didn’t open the door one night when she came home a little too late.

«The following day I left with him. I lived with him for three months during which he treated me very well. He loved on me, he bought me clothes, gave me attention, bought me shoes, flowers, chocolates, everything was beautiful,» Karla says.

But there were red flags everywhere also.

Karla says her boyfriend would leave her by herself for a week in their apartment. His cousins would show up with new girls every week. When she finally mustered the courage to ask what business they were in, he told her the truth. «They’re pimps,» he said.

«A few days later he started telling me everything I had to do; the positions, how much I need to charge, the things I had to do with the client and for how long, how I was to treat them and how I had to talk to them so that they would give me more money,» Karla says.

Four years of hell

It was the beginning of four years of hell. The first time she was forced to work as a prostitute she was taken to Guadalajara, one of Mexico’s largest cities.

«I started at 10 a.m. and finished at midnight. We were in Guadalajara for a week. Do the math. Twenty per day for a week. Some men would laugh at me because I was crying. I had to close my eyes so that that I wouldn’t see what they were doing to me, so that I wouldn’t feel anything,» Karla says.

There would be several other cities. She would be sent to brothels, roadside motels, streets known for prostitution and even homes. There were no holidays or days off, and after the first few days, she was made to see at least 30 customers a day, seven days a week.

Karla tells how she was attacked by her trafficker after a john gave her a hickey. «He started beating me with a chain in all of my body. He punched me with his fists, he kicked me, pulled my hair, spit at me in the face, and that day was when he also burned me with the iron. I told him I wanted to leave and he was accusing me of falling in love with a customer. He told me I like being a whore.»

And then came a child…

One day, when she was working at a hotel known for prostitution, police showed up. They kicked out of all of the customers, Karla says, and shut down the hotel. She thought it was her lucky day — a police operation to rescue her and the other girls.

Her relief turned quickly to horror when the officers, about 30 she says, took the girls to several rooms and started shooting video of them in compromising positions. The girls were told the videos would be sent to their families if they didn’t do everything they asked.

«I thought they were disgusting. They knew we were minors. We were not even developed. We had sad faces. There were girls who were only 10 years old. There were girls who were crying. They told the officers they were minors and nobody paid attention,» Karla says. She was 13 years old at the time.

In her nightmare world even a pregnancy was cause for horror not joy.

Karla gave birth at 15 to a girl — a baby fathered by the pimp who would use the daughter to tighten the noose around her neck: if she didn’t fulfill his every wish, he would either harm or kill the baby.

He took the baby away from her a month after the baby was born, and she was not allowed to see her again until the girl was more than a year old.

Karla Jacinto was finally rescued in 2006 during an anti-trafficking operation in Mexico City.

Her ordeal lasted four very long and tormenting years. She was still a minor, only 16, when it ended — but she has endured a lifetime of horror that will stay with her as long as she lives.

CNN independently verified portions of Karla’s story. We have spoken with the United Against Human Trafficking group she was referred to after being rescued, and to senior officials at Road to Home, a shelter where Karla lived for one year after her rescue. Due to the clandestine nature of the human trafficking business, corroborating everything Karla told us is not possible.

‘Take the blindfold off your eyes’

Karla is now 23 years old. She has become an outspoken advocate against human trafficking, telling her story at conferences and public events.

She told her story to Pope Francis in July at the Vatican. She also told the U.S. Congress in May.

Her testimony was used as evidence in support for H.R. 515 or Megan’s Law that mandates U.S. authorities share information pertaining to American child sex offenders when these convicts attempt to travel abroad.

Her message is that human trafficking and forced prostitution still happens and is a growing problem in our world.

Karla says: «These minors are being abducted, lured, and yanked away from their families. Don’t just listen to me. You need to learn about what happened to me and take the blindfold off your eyes.»

Doing nothing, she says, puts countless girls at risk of being trafficked for years and raped tens of thousands of times, just like she was.

‘El cambio empieza en Cuba’


Rosa Maria Payá: Entrevista a la opositora cubana.

Ni las calles se llenaron de júbilo en Cuba, ni los disidentes que viven en la Pequeña Habana, en Miami, se lanzaron a manifestarse en contra. Tras mas de 50 años de ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre EEUU y Cuba, hoy el escepticismo reina entre los ciudadanos que residen dentro y fuera de la isla.

«El drama de los cubanos no es un problema entre Cuba y EEUU, si en algo ha servido este cambio de política es precisamente para evidenciar que los cubanos continúan en la misma miseria espiritual y material». Así de rotunda es la opositora cubana Rosa María Payá (26 años), en entrevista con EL MUNDO, hoy, en Madrid. La hija del fallecido activista y líder del Movimiento Cristiano de Liberación (MCL), Oswaldo Payá, continúa el legado de su padre de lucha contra «el embargo que hace el Gobierno a los derechos de sus ciudadanos».

La joven disidente y también licenciada en Física es ciudadana cubana residente en la isla, pero los dos últimos años ha pasado gran parte de su tiempo fuera de Cuba, principalmente en EEUU, por motivos de persecución política. Precisamente esa falta de libertades de los isleños es lo que ha quedado fuera del discurso del deshielo, según Payá. «Para los efectos de los derechos de los cubanos el cambio tiene que ser dentro de Cuba y no significa que porque cambie la política exterior de otro país, los cubanos resolvieron sus problemas», explica la opositora.

Entonces, ¿no les afectó el embargo estadounidense? «El Gobierno cubano puede abrirse 30 veces al mundo, pero continúa cerrado para los cubanos y aquí de lo que estamos hablando es que Cuba se abra a los cubanos«, responde la disidente.

La opositora da la bienvenida a la nueva era que desde el miércoles ha parecido sellarse entre Washington y La Habana con el simbólico anuncio de la reapertura bilateral de las embajadas. Sin embargo, subraya que la restauración de las relaciones entre ambos países deja fuera a la parte más importante: los ciudadanos. «Entendemos que se converse con el Gobierno cubano, pero recordamos que el Gobierno cubano no es Cuba y si va a haber un real acercamiento a la isla debe comprender también la oportunidad de participación del pueblo cubano«, apunta.

«Los cubanos nunca han elegido el Gobierno que tienen y, además, es un Ejecutivo que viola todos los días los derechos humanos de sus ciudadanos«, señala la activista, cuya principal demanda para la isla es dar la oportunidad a sus ciudadanos de elegir libremente a sus mandatarios.

El gran problema de Cuba es «un Gobierno totalitario que ha llegado al poder para quedarse con todos los recursos». Con esta premisa, los cubanos seguirán sin celebrar la apertura a EEUU, ya que no tendrán acceso a los inversores o los empresarios extranjeros, «porque no pueden legamente», dice Payá. A lo que añade que hasta ahora las medidas tomadas desde la Administración Obama «responden a las demandas del Gobierno cubano, el grupo de poder en Cuba, pero no a las demandas de la ciudadanía«.

¿Qué desean los cubanos? «Ser felices en su país como todos los ciudadanos del mundo», sentencia la hija de Oswaldo Payá. Por ello, no se cansa de difundir la campaña Cuba Decide, con la que se pide la convocatoria de un plebiscito en Cuba con una pregunta muy clara para los ciudadanos: «¿Esta usted de acuerdo con que se convoque a elecciones libres, justas y plurales sobre las bases de una nueva ley electoral y un ambiente, que permitan que todos los cubanos tengan derecho a ser nominados y elegidos democráticamente, ejerciendo la libertad de expresión y de prensa y organizándose libremente en partidos políticos y organizaciones sociales con total pluralidad? ¿Sí o No?».

Con esta iniciativa se pretende poner fin al hecho de que los cubanos lleven más de 70 años sin participar en unos comicios y desterrar un sistema político, económico y social irrevocable, el cual se implantó a raíz de un cambio en la Constitución en el 2002, como señala Payá.

De celebrarse el plebiscito, «sería imprescindible la observación internacional de la Unión Europea, de las ONG libres y reconocidas en el mundo y de los voluntarios cubanos», explica la disidente.

Lo que todavía no se plantea la opositora es un posible escenario electoral en el que ella participe como miembro de una formación política porque todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer. El país se encuentra en un escenario «prepolítico», en el que la Constitución establece un partido único, explica Payá. Cuando se logre que los ciudadanos tengan derecho a decidir, detonará la Transición y el poder dejará de estar en manos de una sola persona. «Los cubanos no necesitan un mesías, otro salvador, mira cómo nos ha ido con los caudillos…», reflexiona.

Por otra parte, el hermanamiento entre Venezuela y La Habana no es único de sus mandatarios, también de la oposición de ambos países. «Defender la libertad y la democracia en Cuba, es también defenderlas en Venezuela y también en parte importante de la región latinoamericana, donde el denominador común es el abrazo con el régimen totalitario», apunta Payá. En cuanto a los presos políticos, pide detener «la impunidad creciente en toda la región».

El escepticismo seguirá vigente entre los cubanos hasta que los avances con EEUU no se vean reflejados en sus demandas y libertades.